Wise Forever (2013) - Short Documentary; Wise Forever is a story of a group of young people who survived war in Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Somalia, and are now living in a refugee camp in Uganda. With no formal employment or school to attend, they occupy themselves with music and dance. It creates joy and helps them tell the story of their past while echoing their current desires.
Our Word is Our Weapon (2013) - A short documentary currently in production. The film is centered on a 6 day hip-hop, spoken word and urban culture festival called Shoko ('word' in Shona). The film follows the organisers, the artists and the audiences as they all contribute to this cultural activism platform in a country where freedoms of speech are under government scrutiny.
Translations (2013)- Official documentary for the Zimbabwe National Art Gallery exhibition at the 44th Venice Binnale. The film focuses on how everyday people find refuge in religion as an answer to their daily strife. It follows the artists as they translate the society's beliefs, spirituality and search for alternatives. Translations explores how the artists individually translate and relate to their spirituality given a specific context, history and ideas.
Behind Every Carat (2013) - Feature Documentary
This is all work in progress